Sometimes nice things

The local public radio person came by and brought goodies, but also the news that they could move our spot to the middle of This American Life. I love being a supporter of the show, but it’s always irked me that our spot runs at the top when I often miss it (the show at 3:30 is often a dud). But I never thought to ask about moving it till this year.

I think NPR news has done a terrible job. They’re one of the worst media outlets with false equivalence and giving air time to people to lie and spout garbage unquestioned. But I still love This American Life.

I will always have a soft spot in my heart for that one story about the armadillo.

ALSO: That’s a LOT of free Post-its!

What is a blog for, anyways?

  1. Facebook replacement for posting about my life.
  2. Place to put private journaling that I can access from anywhere but no one else can see.
  3. Place to put private notes and ideas that don’t need to be formatted nicely (partial Google Doc replacement).
  4. A place online that belongs to me, not a big corporation.
  5. Place to potentially host my creative projects.

Starting a blog in 2019?

So, it seems clear that while social media is a huge win for Mark Zuckerberg, it’s been a net loss for the world in general. I remember thinking 20 years ago that the internet’s fabled Killer App would be whatever convinced people to switch over to push media.

I miss the days when I used to go places on the internet. When I had a list of sites I would check, when everything wasn’t rolled into a feed and force-fed me. I even kind of miss the days when you just assumed everything online was sketchy, when you’d avoid paying for anything online because you didn’t trust the machine having your valuable numbers.

I’m trying to abandon Facebook. But that doesn’t mean I want to cut my friends out of my life. A lot of them are ditching the Zuck, too. Maybe we can’t go back to the old ways. But maybe we can, I don’t know. I’m going to start putting things here, and letting people know about it. If you have a place online that you hang out–a pull-site, not a push-site–let me know. If you want to check in on me from time to time, here’s the place for that.