Schell Stereo Cabinet update

The Sony stereo receiver is conking out. The right channel is going all mucky. It’s 15 years old or so, so I guess it’s no surprise. Before I order a $150 unit off Amazon that I can’t really afford right now, maybe I’ll hit Goodwill and a pawn shop or two. Stereo units are hard …

Waiting for Peri

Much as I have enjoyed the new Steven Universe Future and its rejection of the “happily ever after” narrative, I have mourned the lack of Peridot, my favorite Crystal Gem. Okay, not just my favorite, but the one I most identify with. If you take the Diamond Authority as a stand-in for patriarchy and its …

Ununited Methodist Church

I was a Methodist from 1996-2006 or so. Back before any of the mainline denominations were really officially ordaining or marrying LGBTQ folx. We worked to try to change that, but conservatives poured a lot of money into changing the UMC from a social gospel church into something more authority-driven. Between those changes and generally …

The Empire Strikes Back?

I was talking to my therapist last week about the sort of person I want to be. “Assertive rather than aggressive, with compassion toward other people.” And he noted that the big difference between being assertive and aggressive is emotion. That caring less about outcomes on a personal level will help me stay more in …